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GryGry: ‹In Search of the Trollslayer›

 ‹In Search of the Trollslayer›

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In Search of the Trollslayer

data produkcji

II półrocze 2009




Basic Roleplaying




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Three hundred years ago a brave human hero named Sir Tolwar was slain while leading an epic charge during the height of the Troll Wars. The body of the knight was never found but, because of his bravery, the tide of the war turned and Sir Tolwar became revered as a Saint. A brotherhood was formed that honored the knight, and they erected a shrine on the very site of the battlefield where Sir Tolwar was slain. They called themselves the Brotherhood of the Lance in reference to the weapon Sir Tolwar wielded on that fateful day — a golden spear called Kerok, the Trollslayer.

Word of the shrine spread. Pilgrims thronged to this holy place, where to behold the spear of the saint could cure disease, heal the sick, or bestow courage for those going forth into battle. At first The Brotherhood accepted only donations for the upkeep of the shrine. But soon greed began to take root within their ranks. They began to charge great sums of money to look upon Kerok, causing those who truly needed the help of the saint to be turned away. The Brotherhood began to purchase farmland surrounding the shrine, demanding the serfs that worked it to pay exorbitant rents. As the years passed the Brotherhood of the Lance became nothing more than a cruel landlord.

The greed and selfishness of the brotherhood angered the gods. They summoned a mighty cataclysm which shook the earth and flooded the Order’s holdings, creating the Dread Swamp. The monks themselves were transformed into hideous creatures haunting the catacombs of the shrine.

Now the shrine is all but forgotten; a ruin rotting in the middle of the Dread Swamp. But legend has it that Kerok the Trollslayer, the lance of Sir Tolwar, remains hidden within the walls of the forgotten shrine, waiting to be claimed by any adventurer willing to retrieve it.

„In Search of the Trollslayer” is classic beer-and-pretzel dungeon-crawl filled with monsters, traps, and treasure! Your players will need to use their brawn as well as their wits to survive this dungeon. It is designed for 3-6 characters of Heroic Campaign power level. Other power levels may be used with some adjustment to encounters and obstacles. It is also suggested that the players create their characters using the total hit point option, as this will allow for a much more dynamic and exciting adventure. It is recommended that the party include at least one Wizard or Sorcerer, as there are several obstacles that will require their arcane skills to get past. This scenario is set in a dank and dismal swamp but could be placed in any campaign world with a few minor modifications.


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